THE HOLY BILLY GOAT / 28.11.2020 / Live streaming

28.11.2020 / LIVE STREAMING


A punk, defiant and anticonformist, he returns to his homeland to find the girl he used to love. She, married to a rich bourgeois, lives the “happiness” of a “full” life. Our anti-hero plots as a rescuer against a given formula that makes people socially “normal”, desperately “healthy” and falsely full. He becomes her primordial savior prowling around her. This performance is about our inner instincts to wake and challenge our inner gods and dare to make the change.

A landmark production of my work, through which I introduced a music concert-like form of theatre narration, where the sound, rhythm and musicality of the spoken words, alongside the technique of the performers, provide the means through which viewer-listeners can understand and dynamically perceive the inner incentives of the work.